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  • Sensei
  • Profile picture of sensei

    sensei posted in the group Artificial intelligence

    2 weeks, 2 days ago

    If you’re interested in learning more about artificial intelligence and acquiring valuable skills in this field, there are a variety of free educational resources available to help you. Here are a few platforms that offer excellent courses for those who want to understand how AI works in everyday technology and in various applications:

    Offers free courses through Google AI, perfect for those interested in understanding how AI functions in Google products and beyond.

    Through AWS AI & Machine Learning, Amazon provides free courses covering the use of AI in different business and technology contexts.

    Via MIT OpenCourseWare, you can access courses such as “Introduction to Data-Centric AI” for a deep understanding of practical AI applications.

    These resources are excellent for both beginners and advanced learners, offering theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of artificial intelligence. Also, you can ask ChatGPT or Grok from X (which has been free for some time) when you don’t understand something.


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